Trainings and events
2 hour intro conferences
Today’s children: fast and astonishing changes
What kind of Education do they need?
A new educational proposal
The 7 Petals School
4, 8 and 16 hour of interactive and fun workshops
Workshop 1. Updates on Neuro Pedagogy and Fun Education
Workshop 2. Practical tools for a new Education. Bio-intelligent Tools. Emotional Intelligence in school
Workshop 3. Seven Petal School, integral, fun and easy to implement
Topics for the workshops
Today's children: Scientific contributions to the physiological, psycho-emotional and neurological changes of the children of today and tomorrow.
Parallel thinking.
The Integrated, Expanded, Activated and Grounded Brain.
Mind-heart connection. The electromagnetic field of the complex heart / thymus.
Bio-Intelligent tools.
The tips to guarantee a comprehensive education, with fun-learning and self-sciences.
NeuroFLASH 3000.
Bio-Intelligent Tools.
The 7 Petal School: 7 areas of studies for an integral development of the human being
How to set up a 7 Petal School.
Practical solutions for a harmonious educational transition.
Welfare of the children, teachers and parents.
Culture of Peace
How to prevent bullying
Peace Circles
Emotional Intelligence
Non-Violent Communication
The inner master.
Teacher 3000
This is a 70-hour training, in order to improve a classroom, a school, the roles of teachers and parents.
For teachers of pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, primary, secondary and university level, educators and managers. Also for therapists and psycho-pedagogues working in traditional education (private or public) as an alternative; and for people who want to create their own school and / or other alternative educational models. For the parents and all general public interested in a new education.
Facilitators 3000
The P3000 Certified Facilitators Program has been going on since 2012. Designed as a 15 day intensive training of theory and practice, it encompasses a large variety of subjects related to children, their learning capabilities and well-being, as well as a lot of pedagogical tools and the 7 Petal School implementation. Additionally, the training covers topics such as PR and public speaking abilities, Non-Violent Communication and personal development. At the end, Facilitators 3000 are able to give public conferences and workshops on Pedagooogia 3000. Then Facilitators join an international network of Certified Facilitators 3000, encouraging people to bring on changes within Education in a practical way, using various pedagogical and innovative strategies.
Architects 3000
The Architects 3000 program offers theoretical and practical knowledge about
How to improve the school environment for the children of today and tomorrow.
Architectonic proposal of the 7 Petal School and others alternative schools worldwide.
Operational Geometry .
7 Petal School, an Integral Education for the children of the 21st Century (Pedagooogia 3000).
Network of Architects 3000.
Tips: bio-construction, school furniture, classrooms without walls, etc.
Post-trauma tools training and Social Pedagogy
The basic post trauma routine 3000 is part of the package of post trauma and culture of Peace tools of the Social Solidarity Platform of Pedagooogia 3000®. The routines are designed to cater specifically to children with traumas, but can be utilized with all children, and adults as well. The routine is then reinforced with additional comprehensive tools and an Educational design such as "7 Petals”.
Comments about the workshops
España on line
A very beautiful and full of experiences workshop that makes me better understand the achievements of people who are seeking to improve education and happiness and the integral and harmonic growth of children and adults. LV, Peru, 2016
My experience was great!
Not only because of the academic aspect, my own conscience and being were moved as well ... A great empathic exercise for all the children of the world who require a new form of education. Thank you Noemi, Thank you P 3000 for this opportunity. ARM. Mexico.
Those workshops changed my life. Now I not only understand the importance of a new education, but I can participate and be active in the change. MG, Argentina my students.
I recovered my rapport with my students, regained my vocation as a teacher. Regained my joy, my life and my enthusiasm. I strongly recommend it. MU, Spain.